Stark effect formula

Explore the Stark effect in quantum mechanics, its formulas for linear and quadratic shifts, and an example calculation.

Introduction to the Stark Effect

The Stark effect, named after Johannes Stark, is a phenomenon in quantum mechanics whereby an external electric field perturbs the energy levels, and hence the spectral lines, of an atom or molecule. This effect can be divided into two types: linear Stark effect and quadratic Stark effect.

Linear Stark Effect

The linear Stark effect, which is seen in atoms or molecules with an inversion center, causes a linear shift in energy levels proportional to the electric field’s strength. The energy shift, in atomic units, can be expressed as:

  • ΔE = μzE

where ΔE is the energy shift, μz is the electric dipole moment of the atom or molecule, and E is the electric field strength.

Quadratic Stark Effect

On the other hand, the quadratic Stark effect, which affects atoms or molecules without an inversion center, induces a quadratic shift in the energy levels. The quadratic Stark effect formula can be represented as:

  • ΔE = 1/2αE2

Here, α represents the polarizability of the atom or molecule. Similar to the linear Stark effect, E signifies the electric field strength, and ΔE is the energy shift.

Applications of Stark Effect

The Stark effect has several important applications. It is utilized in atomic spectroscopy to measure the electric field within an atom or molecule. Moreover, the Stark effect is instrumental in the study of the fine structure of atomic and molecular spectra, thus serving as a vital tool for exploring atomic and molecular structures.


Overall, the Stark effect and its associated formulae offer critical insights into quantum mechanics and atomic physics. By understanding how energy levels of atoms and molecules respond to external electric fields, we can gain a deeper comprehension of atomic structures and the principles underlying quantum mechanics.

Example Calculation of the Stark Effect

Consider a hydrogen atom in an external electric field of strength 5 x 105 V/m. Assuming a dipole moment of 8.48 x 10-30 Cm for the hydrogen atom, we can calculate the shift in energy levels due to the linear Stark effect.

Step 1: Identify the relevant variables

  • Electric field strength, E = 5 x 105 V/m
  • Electric dipole moment, μz = 8.48 x 10-30 Cm

Step 2: Apply the linear Stark effect formula

The formula ΔE = μzE can be used to find the shift in energy levels. Substitute the given values into the formula.

Step 3: Compute the result

By inputting the values into the formula, we obtain the energy shift, ΔE. The result will be in Joules as the electric field strength is in Volts per meter (V/m), and the dipole moment is in Coulomb meters (Cm).


By using the Stark effect formula, one can calculate the shift in atomic energy levels caused by an external electric field. The above example illustrated the calculation for the linear Stark effect, which assumes the presence of an inversion center in the atom or molecule.

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